It has been almost a year since my last post and my body knows it. I fell off the wagon and my body hates it. I stopped eating on plan as often and have gained weight. It is not really about the weight. Up until a month or so ago, I was still running too so I have gained weight but less size than the pounds should indicate. That is not the point though. I have done my body a disservice.
In February of last year, I smoked my last cigarette. Great! Except I started eating more. No biggie, I was still running. By June I was eating off plan more often than on plan. My body soon began to feel it. I started having terrible stomach cramps. I don't just mean feeling bad and cramping sometimes, I mean so severe that twice I almost passed out. The world went a bit grey. I would have major blood pressure changes and headaches when this would happen. I waited until last week to finally go to the doctor. I was only having the problem a few times a month, so it was okay, right?
***Warning*** The following paragraphs may contain TMI.
Wrong. Every time I had the cramps and was able to go to the bathroom I would walk out feeling weak, tired, and empty. It wasn't even diarrhea. It was just a soft stool. nothing that would send up a red flag. I would be nauseated, but nothing else. Some occasions I would be almost constipated, but that didn't come with the cramping, sweating, blood pressure, nor heart rate symptoms. Some days I would leave the restroom to return two or three times. So, what finally did it for me? Why did I finally call the doctor? Each episode would be met with more and more urgency and I finally had an episode when I didn't make it to the bathroom in time. I was humiliated.
Last week I finally went to the doctor. The PA diagnosed me with IBS. She has started me on a probiotic and an antispasmodic. She has also requested that I try a special elimination diet and I realized something when reading this diet. It is basically a low carb diet. I am going to complete the diet as directed, but I have a personal theory. The diet she has prescribed was designed by Monash University and it is called the FODMAP diet. FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols. The goal for this diet is to eliminate the FODMAPs and after 4-6 weeks slowly add them back to see when symptoms return. The reason for eliminating them for so long before adding them back is to make sure that they are completely out of the system and that you have reset the gut bacteria. The thing is, these items are all sugars. So, go extreme keto for 4-6 weeks and then add back carbs. If one causes issues, stop eating it. Wait a few days then try another and so on and so forth. People can be sensitive to one or more groups. I suspect that I am sensitive to Fructans and maybe some Fructose. Galactans may be an irritant as well. According to the research I have done, some people can be sensitive only to certain items as well. For example, they may not be sensitive to peanuts, but be sensitive to black beans, or that it is a quantity thing. For example, 1/2 a cup of beans is okay, but a whole cup is not.
I don't really know how this is going to go, but I know that it isn't going to be fun at first. So, with the move coming up, I am trying to pack the kitchen. An elimination diet means that I need to cook for myself mostly. I cannot cheat. Cheating means starting over since I will no longer have that "restored gut bacteria." Boo Hiss. So, Last night I cooked enough meat to last almost until the move. I may have to switch to deli meats then. I also cooked a week's worth of veggies. I froze the meat for next week, but have put my lunch and dinner into individual containers for the next week. I also have a specific breakfast I am eating. Each item in it is low FODMAP. I am going to hate this combination of food at the end of two weeks, but it was the easiest way to begin it. Not everyone needs to eat such boring foods for the duration, but I needed to food prep so I can pack.
Wish me luck. I need to get back to my healthy self. Peace be with you.
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